Friday, June 5, 2009


Practice 1 - Jimmie Johnson won practice one. Tony Stewart wrecked when he wrecked his splitter, hit a pot hole, and ripped strait off.

Practice 2 - Denny Hamlin won practice two. Brain Vickers wrecked in the same spot as Tony Stewart, but Brain Vickers car spinned around backwards, so his splitter didn't come off.

Jeff Gordon wins pole position because Stewart spinned in practice one. I'm sad because Dale Jr started 22nd but he finished 12th at Dover and starts 17th at Pocono. He finished in 24th position at Pocono. Tony Stewart won the race at Pocono!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! You should write a newspaper or write down the amazing events that has happend before, during, or after a Nascar race! That would be really cool! It helps you even more that your blog already has some info on some events.
